E: kbachtold@gmail.com
P: (815) 692-4062
My current and past classes while enrolled at Illinois State University.
CHE 140 -- General Chemistry I
Gained understanding in the fundamental relationships among the different
elements in how they interact, combine, and decompose in chemical
ITK 261 -- Systems Development I
Learned about formal approaches to information system construction as
understood and used by a systems analyst; gained understanding of the roles
and functions of a systems analyst.
ITK 327 -- Concepts of Programming Languages
Developed insight into how compilers work, the structure and function of
grammars, and an applicable introduction to modern apporaches to
application programming.
MUS 275 -- World Arts:Music
Experienced and developed appreciation for the cultures and ideas of
the world from an ethnomusicology perspective.
ENG 145.12 -- Composition for Presedential Scholars
Developed writing, editing, and researching skills for the information age.
PHY 110 -- Physics for Science & Engineering I
Became familiar with the basic foundation of physics, including gravity,
forces, tension, and rotation.
MAT 145 -- Calculus II
Developed skills of integration, derivation, and related rates; learned to
model real world problems with applied calculus techniques.
ITK 168 -- Foundation for Information Technology
Learned the basics of the computing world, including a general introduction
to programming, database development, and business / economics from an IT
ENG 249 -- Technical & Professional Writing I
Developing appreciation and awareness in the role of communication in the technical arena.
IDS 102.78 -- Issues in Social Justice: Moving From Awareness to Action
Learning about social injustice and how it affects our lives; also, learning how I can contribute to social justice in our country.
ITK 191 -- Introduction to Information Technology Professional Practice
Gaining a basic understanding of how to establish myself in a technology career by developing skills in resume writing, interviewing, and self-presentation.
ITK 279 -- Algorithms and Data Structures
Becoming familiar with the common algorithms and data objects used in real-world programming; developing a sense for the best use of data objects in solving a problem.
LAN 116.15 -- Second-Year Spanish (Part II)
Developing the skills of writing, reading, listening, and speaking in Spanish in a coherent manner.
MAT 260 -- Discrete Mathematics
Learning about underlying principles of finite mathematics, and developing an abstract foundation for modern computer science problems.
FOR 115 -- 2nd-year Spanish, Part I
Developed advanced Spanish language skills; used personal logical analysis
with grammar and other language semantics.
PHY 111 -- Physics for Science & Engineering II
Learned about advanced electrical circuitry and electromagnetic fields.
ITK 225 -- Computer Organization
Learned the basics of computer infrastructure, including hardware at
the digital logic level, microarchitecture, and assembly language.
COM 110 -- Communication & Critical Inquiry
Developed presentation, critical thinking, and intercommuncation skills,
including giving informative, group, and persuasive speeches.